ISO/IEC17025国家实验室认可纠正措施的实施由谁负责? 发布时间: 2012-01-27 19:54 点击:

ISO / IEC17025 National Laboratory Accreditation corrective actions implemented by who is responsible?
To correct non-compliance, there may be several different plans, it is involved in many different elements ( process ) and Department of laboratory, if want to fundamentally eliminate a nonconformity, corrective measures, the implementation of which will involve many factors ( process ) and the Department of. By the Department responsible for the implementation of the corrective action by technology, management or quality supervisor is responsible to verify the effectiveness of corrective actions.
 纠正措施作为一个要素,应该明确一个部门的负责,由产生不符合工作的部门实施。ISO/IEC 17025中所说的不符合工作有两类,一类是就产品而言的,称作不合格品,即实验室的数据的不合格,对这类不合格纠正措施实施的有效性需进行评价,一般有技术管理层进行比较好;而就质量管理体系而言,所产生的不合格,称作不合格项,对这类不合格纠正措施实施的有效性也应作出评价,一般由质量主管来进行比较好。
Corrective action as a factor, should make clear a department head, produced by the nonconforming work departments. ISO / IEC 17025 said does not accord with the work has two kinds, one kind is on products, called the nonconforming products, laboratory data is not qualified, the unqualified corrective actions implemented to be evaluated, general technical management is better; and quality management system, produced by the unqualified, known as unqualified, unqualified to this kind of corrective measures effectiveness should make evaluation, generally by the quality supervisor to compare well.