日照市产品质量监督检验所荣]获得国家实验室认可 发布时间: 2011-12-26 21:44 点击:

Rizhao City product quality supervision and inspection and the wing ] won the National Laboratory Accreditation
Recently, by the China National Accreditation ( CNAS ) approved, Rizhao City product quality supervision and inspection by the National Laboratory Accreditation, and allowed the recognition using CNAS within the National Laboratory Accreditation logo and the ILAC mark of international recognition of joint.
The future can participate in international recognition of conformity assessment bodies, multilateral bilateral cooperation and exchanges, the survey report issued by CNAS and ILAC markers can affix seal, to realize the detection data of international bilateral and multilateral mutual recognition.
The obtained laboratories accredited qualifications the certificate after the expiry of the review, passed a total of 18 class 327 project.