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欧盟CE认证 嘉麟杰子公司三款防护产品CE认证证书 发布时间: 2020-04-12 21:14 点击:
欧盟CE认证 嘉麟杰子公司三款防护产品CE认证证书
CE certification of three protection products of jialinjie subsidiary of EU
嘉麟杰晚间公告,公司的全资子公司上海嘉麟杰纺织科技有限公司(以下简称“纺织科技”)于2020年4月10日收到ENTE CERTIFICAZIONE MACCHINE(ECM)授权颁发的三款防护产品CE认证证书。
Jialinjie announced in the evening that Shanghai jialinjie Textile Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "textile technology"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, received three CE certification certificates of protective products authorized by ente certificazione macchine (ECM) on April 10, 2020.
公司表示,因新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情在全球蔓延的形势依旧严峻,国际市场对隔离衣的需求持续上升,部分境外客户要求产品具有当地认可的相关认证。本次纺织科技生产的隔离衣和医用帽产品通过了欧盟 CE 认证,有利于提高公司获取相关产品国际订单的能力,扩大国际市场销售区域,推动公司在健康防护领域的业务发展。
The company said that novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic situation is still spreading worldwide, and demand for isolating clothing continues to rise in the international market. Some overseas customers require products with local accreditation related certification. The isolation clothing and medical cap products produced by textile technology have passed the EU CE certification, which is conducive to improving the company's ability to obtain international orders for related products, expanding the international market sales area, and promoting the company's business development in the field of health protection.
The company will actively promote the sales of relevant products in overseas markets, strive to bring new profit growth points for the company, and improve business performance.
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CE certification, CE certification process, CE certification, how much is CE certification of products? What is CE certification of EU