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德国2001年撤消了DIN紧固件标准并采用了ISO标准 发布时间: 2012-08-17 13:11 点击:

Germany 2001 quashed DIN fasteners standard and the ISO standard
In 2001 the German DIN918, supplement 3 document formally announced to withdraw its DIN fasteners standard, began to use the ISO fasteners standard. This paper includes table display now use the ISO standard and the DIN standard undo.
International trade grow with each passing day. The United States exports of the United States is the key to control the trade balance and reduce unemployment. Usa Inc uses ISO fasteners standard, will ensure that the United States buyers outside receiving the United States products.
The good news is that with the exception of a few, such as the specifications of M10, M12 and M14 bolts and nuts in the AF to the side is not identical with the exception, in accordance with ISO standards, DIN standards and the United States of America undo metric standard production fasteners are interchangeable. The DIN standard ISO and ASME standard is larger than the six angle head. Fortunately, all the design strength requirements and performance is consistent. But in the actual manufacture, use metric standard bolt or nut, to use a different sleeve wrench difference.
In ASMEB18 and ASTMF16 fastener Committee joint efforts, begun to systematically undo their Metric Fasteners standard. Guides the user in a similar ISO metric standard.