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混凝土的新ISO标准ISO 13315-1:2012标准发布 发布时间: 2012-06-29 20:49 点击:

混凝土的新ISO标准ISO 13315-1:2012标准发布
Concrete new ISO standards ISO13315-1:2012standards issued
On the concrete new ISO standards will contribute to better management of concrete construction industry impact on environment.
Concrete is widely used in buildings, bridges, dams, tunnels and other infrastructure construction. It is the second only to water resources of the second, on the environment has strong potential negative effects.
  ISO 13315-1:2012标准,混凝土和混凝土结构的环境管理-第1部分:总则,旨在提供关于混凝土和混凝土结构环境管理的基本规则。这将对业主、设计师、制造商、建设者、使用者、认证机构和环保标准的开发有所帮助。
ISO13315-1:2012 standard, concrete and concrete structures of the environmental management -- part first: General principles, and aims to provide the concrete and concrete structures the basic rules of environmental management. This will be the owners, designers, manufacturers, builders, user, certification bodies and environmental standards in the development of help.
   该标准的目的是不断改善混凝土相关的活动所造成的对环境影响。它确保与ISO 14000环境管理系列标准的一致性。
The purpose of the standard is to continuously improve the concrete related activity caused by the impact on the environment. It ensures that the ISO 14000environment management standard consistency.
   ISO 13315-1:2012标准涵盖生产混凝土和混凝土结构过程,在生产过程中消耗大量的水、能源、水泥和钢材等资源,并排放大量的二氧化碳所造成的继发效应。
ISO13315-1:2012standard covers the production of concrete and concrete structure process, in the production process to consume large amounts of water, energy, cement and steel and other resources, and emit large amounts of carbon dioxide from the secondary effects.
The standard provides the concrete and the concrete structure of the environmental management framework and basic rules. Including the assessment of environmental impact and implementation of environmental improvement method. It covers the concrete structure of the whole life cycle, which includes: concrete design, production, recycling and disposal, construction, use and disassemble.
  ISO /TC 71/SC8标准主席,教授酒井浩二认为:“今天,可持续发展的概念是社会、经济和文化活动等各个方面所需要的。 ISO 13315-1标准将帮助建筑业满足可持续发展的需要,并将在混凝土结构的生命周期的所有阶段提供强有力的支持。“
ISO /TC71/SC8chairman, Professor Sakai Koji said: " today, the concept of sustainable development is the social, economic and cultural activities and other aspects needed. ISO13315-1standards will help the construction industry to meet the needs of sustainable development, and in the concrete structure of all phases of the life cycle to provide strong support. "
   ISO 1331 5 - 1:2012标准是由混凝土、钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土ISO技术委员会ISO / TC 71,以及混凝土和混凝土结构的环境管理小组委员会SC 8共同制定的。
13315- ISO1:2012 standard is made of concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete ISO Technical Committee ISO / TC 71, as well as the concrete and the concrete structure of the environment management committee jointly developed by SC8.
   ISO 13315-1:2012,混凝土和混凝土结构的环境管理-第1部分:总则可在ISO国家成员机构查看。 也可能直接从ISO中央秘书处获得,价格为80瑞士法郎。
ISO13315-1:2012, concrete and concrete structures - part first: General principles of environmental management in ISO national member body view. May also directly from the ISO Central Secretariat, the price is 80 Swiss francs.