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审核员如何把握ISO14001:2004的新要求 发布时间: 2012-01-09 21:40 点击:

The auditor to grasp the ISO14001: 2004 new requirements
ISO 14001:2004标准(以下简称新版标准)于2004年11月15日发布后,国际认可论坛(IAF)为了适应认证审核的需要,在与国际标准化组织(ISO)协商的基础上,在(IAF GD4:2004 IAF:关于获得认可的认证从ISO14001:1996到ISO 14001:2004的转换计划》中规定:到2006年5月15日,所有基于ISO 14001:1996标准而颁发的证书将全部失效,新证书将全部基于新版标准。IAF还规定了两个阶段的转化期:第一阶段为准备期,时间为新版标准发布后6个月,组织可以自己决定采用新版标准或旧版标准。准备期也便于各个国家的标准组织将这个国际标准转化为采用本国语言的国家标准。第二阶段为转换实施期,时间为准备期后的12个月,这期间所有的认证审核都要采用新版标准。对认证组织而言,这个阶段主要是通过正常的监督审核确定组织对新版标准的符合性。中国认证机构国家认可委员会(CNAB)也在《CNAB—AG 32:2005:认证机构实施依据新版GB/Y 24001国家标准的环境管理体系认证的转换指南》有类似规定。
ISO 14001 : 2004 standards ( hereinafter referred to as the new standard ) was released in November 15, 2004, the International Accreditation Forum ( IAF ) in order to adapt to the need of certification audit, with the international organization for Standardization ( ISO ) on the basis of negotiation, in ( IAF GD4: 2004 IAF: on approved certification from ISO14001 1996 to ISO 14001: 2004 conversion plan" in regulation: by May 15, 2006, all based on ISO 14001 : 1996 standards and certificates will be failure, a new certificate will be based on new standards. IAF also provides a two phase of the transformation period: first the preparation stage, in time for the new standard is released after 6 months, the organization can decide the new standard and old version standard. Preparation for various national standards organization of the international standards into the native language of the national standard. The second stage for the conversion of the implementation period of time, for after a period of 12 months, during which all of the certification to the new standard. On the certification of the organization, this phase is mainly through the normal supervisory examination to determine the organization of new edition standard conformance. China National Accreditation Board for certification body ( CNAB ) in" CNAB - AG 32: 2005: accreditation body implementation basis version of GB / Y 24001 national standards of environmental management system certification conversion guide" has similar provisions.
After 15 May 2005 audit based on new standards. To carry out certification auditors, in the new and standard of audit assurance must be appropriate, otherwise either the standard requirements are not fully covered, either on the organization forward beyond the standard requirements, do not meet the principle of audit. This paper aims to explore how to grasp the new standard auditor change request, for the standard original requirement is no longer involved.
One, documentation requirements
基于ISO   14001:1996的审核有一条不成文的规定,即凡是标准提出要有程序的地方,如果组织没有相应的程序文件,可以开出不符合。现在,必须纠正这种认识了。新版标准及其资料性附录A.4.4指出,文件不一定以手册的方式存在。
Based on the ISO 14001 : 1996 audit an unwritten rule, i.e. where the standard put forward to want to have a procedure in place, if the organization does not have the corresponding procedures, can out do not meet. Now, must correct the understanding. Edition standard and information in Appendix A.4.4 pointed out, file does not have to manual mode.
Edition standard of documentation requirements may for some auditors, found it very difficult to understand, some thought to be a trial. This worry is unnecessary. In the new standards, and not weakening on the file
要求;新版标准所要求的形成文件的方面都体现在4.4.4中,为了与ISO 9001:2000接轨,虽然新版标准文字量增加了不少,但实质要求增加不多,真正增加的是对体系范围文件化的要求。
Requirements; new edition standard required documents are reflected in the 4.4.4, to ISO 9001: 2000 standards, although the new standard text content increased many, but substantial requirements increase, the real increase of system documentation requirements.
For auditors, don't worry about the audit time fail to see the program files, because in the standard A.4.4 explains how to consider whether the program document, which enumerates the procedures documented benefits. When the organization without any program files, in the face of the audit will assume great risk. The auditor needs to pay more attention to whether the organization will system documentation, and no requirements must be documented.
In two, several noteworthy changes
1 legal requirements: new edition standard requirements the organization shall identify laws and regulations to apply tissue, and increased the special clause requires an organization to identify legal and regulatory compliance. Apparently, the new standard for legal and regulatory compliance more seriously, the auditor should attach great importance to organization of legal compliance commitment to practice.
2" performance" of the definition of the attention management system transforms to pay attention to its environmental factors of organization management, truly reflects the clear standard catalogue:" support environmental protection and prevention of pollution, to coordinate them with the social and economic demand relationship." The auditor in the study of environmental performance should be paid more attention to environmental factors in the actual control effect.
3.审核的过程方法:新版标准在引言“图l——本国际标准的环境管理体系模式”的注中,特别增加了以下内容:“许多组织通过由过程组成的体系以及过程之间的相互作用对运行进行管理,这种方式称为‘过程方法’。GB/T 19001——2000提倡使用过程方法。由于PDCA可以应用于所有的过程,因此这两种方式可以看作是兼容的。”这就是说,新版标准鼓励组织采用过程方法建立、实施和保持环境管理体系。从过程的定义和环境因素的定义看,环境因素本身就是过程,而环境因素是环境管理体系的核心,管理体系就是围绕环境因素展开的。
3: the new standard for audit process in the" L -- the international standards for environmental management system mode" note, especially increase the following: " many organizations through a process consisting of the system and the interaction between the processes of operation management, this is called ' process '. GB / T 19001 -- 2000 advocate the use of the process approach. Because PDCA can be applied to all processes, so that two kinds of way can be seen as compatible." That is to say, the new edition standard organizations are encouraged to adopt process method for establishing, implementing and maintaining its environmental management system. From the definition of process and environmental factors in the definition of environment factors, is itself a process, and environmental factors are environmental management system management system is the core, around environmental factors expansion.
Standards organizations are encouraged to adopt process method for establishing, implementing and maintaining the environmental management system, the auditor should accordingly the adoption of a process approach audit. The author appeals, process approach should run through the whole process of examine and verify. Now, the certification industry generally emphasize value-added audit, process audit is in accordance with the method of value added audit need by size.
In three, the standard clauses of changes
Article 4.1. Require organizations to identify environmental management system scope is documented, the auditor must view the organization document management system, make clear what activities, products and services included in the range of. In general, the document scope in the organization's environmental management system manual ( if any) to make provision for. The auditor should inspect the organization to establish the system contains all elements of the standard and the effective operation, the audit conclusion in the entire system to conduct a comprehensive review was made after.
Article 4.2. Policy should be communicated to all for or on behalf of the organization staff. Auditors should pay close attention to this kind of communication is effective, whether conveyed to employees outside personnel, such as contractors, subcontractors, temporary employees. At the same time, death note this communication can only convey relevant content, or use a variety of forms to communicate rather than policy text, the auditor should not be mechanical requirements. The organization must convey policy text.
The 4.3.1 clause. The auditor should determine whether the organization has documented environmental factors, environmental factors identification procedures covering planned or new developments, new or modified activities, products and services. The terms of another change is to identify" is expected to influence the environmental factors " to organize" can influence the environmental factors". As a result of changes too subtle, its true meaning is not exact, the organization is also very difficult to distinguish between. The author thinks, the auditor should master the Organization identified can influence the environmental factors.
The 4.3.2 clause. Auditors should review the Organization identified with its environmental factors associated with all legal requirements and the way of obtaining, and includes not only directly applicable environmental laws and regulations, such as the number of environmental factors associated with safety laws and regulations. The organization should determine the legal and other requirements to apply to their environmental factors, which determine the legal requirements and other requirements and environmental factors in the association between sex. If the organization just get some legal texts, but did not clear the text which content is applied to the tissue which environmental factors, in the audit can not accept.
The auditor must inspect the organization in establishing, implementing and maintaining its environmental management system, and the establishment of policy, objectives and targets, identifying significant environmental factors, whether to consider the legal and other requirements.
The 4.3.3 clause. Contains 1996 version of the standard 4.3.3 and 4.3.4 requirements, requirements identification has been planned or new developments, new or modified activities, products and services to the environmental factors in the requirements placed on the 4.3.1.
The auditor should inspect the Organization identified the target when feasible is measurable, whether the policy commitment to continual improvement is consistent. Auditors if found organization target unchanged for a long time, need to inspect and constant cause, without justifiable reasons, should be considered incompatible with.
The 4.4.1 clause. Auditors should review organizations provide resources including infrastructure, especially for those who must have the corresponding environmental facilities to achieve effective control of environmental factors.
The organization to" ensure the availability of resources" and not" provide resources". This means that organizations need to prove to have a contingency plan to ensure the qualified personnel to meet the system specific position requirements. The new standard will be" to provide" changed to" ensure", this point for personnel mobility organization is very important. The auditor should not only research organizational resources to meet the conditions, but also pay attention to the potential resources to meet the needs of the organization ability.
Auditors should review the management representative reporting to the top management 's content is including recommendations for improvement.
The 4.4.2 clause. The organization should not only guarantee the internal staff ability, but also to ensure for or on behalf of the staff 's ability. The auditor should pay attention to study the internal staff whether has a corresponding capacity.
Ensure that the personnel to meet the requirements of the means is not only training, also can take other measures, such as recruitment. The auditor can't require tissue must pass through the training to ensure the competence of personnel.
The auditor should view the organization maintains records for that may cause significant environmental impacts the ability of personnel ( based on education, training and experience ). Auditors should be aware of whether the organization has all its or those working on their behalf caused significant environmental impact possibility and corresponding abilities needed to carry out the appropriate assessment.
The 4.4.3 clause. The auditor should examine whether the organization has determined the major environmental factors and external communication, and view its documented decision. If the organization decided to external communication, the auditors should further understand whether the organization has been established and implemented communication method.
The 4.4.4 clause. The auditor should inspect whether the organization has the system description, documents and records, for ensure the effective planning, operation and control of major environmental factors related to process files and records.
The 4.4.5 clause. The auditor should view the external documents, such as the license is how to identify, their distribution is how to control.
Does the organization carried out document review and if necessary, revised, the revised again whether after approval. Edition standard is not now review regularly.
Organization of the paper changes and version change is to" show the revision"," the document revision table " approach to identification.
The 4.4.6 clause. No change.
The 4.4.7 clause. The auditor should check whether the organization has determined on emergency preparedness and response procedure are periodically reviewed, whether by procedural requirements were periodically review.
The 4.5.1 clause. Because the standard is no longer emphasizes must have" documented procedure", the auditor is not on whether there is a program file request, but should examine whether the organization
Keep monitoring performance and suitable operation control file information.
The auditor should check whether the organization of measuring equipment for the calibration or verification.
The two clause of 4.5.2. is for legal and regulatory compliance checks, like with 4.5.1, also do not mandate a program file, but required to establish, implement, maintain one or more programs, and the need to retain the regular evaluation of legal compliance record of results. That there must be environmental laws and regulations, as long as the applicable laws and regulations, this and 4.3.2 modification of echoes, such as existence and organization of major environmental factors related safety laws and regulations, and to evaluate its conformity.条款。要求组织对应遵守的其他要求进行符合性检查,与法律法规的符合性检查类似,组织可以结合与法律法规的符合性检查进行。审核员首先应识别组织有哪些应遵守的其他要求,然后看组织是否进行了符合性的检查。同样要求组织对检查的结果形成记录。
The clause. Requirements of corresponding comply with other requirements for conformity inspection, and legal and regulatory compliance check similar, tissue can be combined with the legal and regulatory compliance check. The auditor should first identify the organization which should comply with other requirements, and then look at whether the organization undertook conformity inspection. The same organization of examination results in the formation of record.
Auditors if found organization did not carry out the laws and regulations and other requirements to check compliance should be open, do not accord with.
The 4.5.3 clause. The auditor should pay attention to organizational identification, treatment is not consistent and potential nonconformities and to evaluate the efficiency of measures, comprehensive inspection organizations to meet the standard of.
The 4.5.4 clause. The standard is no longer in this clause that specific to the retention of training, internal audit and management review records, these requirements in their respective terms is required. The auditor should pay attention to identify the organization to establish and keep these records duties respectively belong to which department, and in the corresponding departments attention to study. The standard will no longer be required to determine the record retention period specified, auditors should pay attention to no longer mandatory provisions of the organization record retention time.
The 4.5.5 clause. The auditor should examine the organization is planning the internal audit programme, this is
组织容易忽略的。审核员可参考ISO 19011标准有关审核方案的内容。
Tissue easily overlooked. The auditor can refer to ISO 19011 standards related to audit programme content.
The auditor should note that required no regular audit, but at planned intervals to the audit. The auditor can according to the organization's internal audit procedures in the audit frequency inspection organization determines the time interval.
The auditor should pay attention to organization internal audit program not only stipulates that "the implementation of" and" report" duties and requirements, should also consider the" planning" and" keep the record" duties and requirements, not only to the audit scope, frequency and methods of the internal standard is made, should make rules.
The auditor should pay attention to study how to guarantee the audited organization internal audit ability and impartiality. For small organizations, the audit independence can be achieved by auditors independent of the activity to be audited embodiment, auditor can't mandatory auditor to audit the organization work of the department.
Article 4.6. The auditor should check whether the organization to plan time for management review.
The auditor should examine the organization of the input to management review outputs include the standards set forth in the entire content, because the 1996 version of the standard of the management review shall not use the input and output of the concept, there is no requirement review input output specific content.
The auditor should pay attention to the evaluation system of organization has no opportunities for improvement, it is the new requirements of the standards.
The auditor should pay attention to the standard of management review record requirements only in response to the results of management review, rather than the 1996 edition standard the management review process.
Although the new edition standard changes a little, but the auditor needs to deeply understand and grasp these changes, to a proper extent, resulting in the audit fully embodies the standard requirements, avoiding unnecessary embarrassment.