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OHSAS18000职业健康认证,职业健康监护档案的具体内容包括哪些? 发布时间: 2012-01-27 19:04 点击:

OHSAS18000 occupation health certification, occupation health archives of the specific content including which?
GBZ/T  225—2010《用人单位职业病防治指南》
GBZ / T 225 - 2010" the employer occupation disease prevention guide"
4.1.11 建立、健全劳动者职业健康监护档案
4.1.11 build, perfect labor occupation health archives
According to the regulations, the employer should exist in labor relations and workers ( including temporary workers) to establish occupation health archives.
Workers roll should be in accordance with the pre, during and post are respectively set up archive at.
Occupation health record shall include the following contents:
The name, sex, age, marriage, Wen Ren, native place, degree, hobby and general overview;
Labor history, past history, occupation and occupation hazards exposure history;
And the corresponding occupation hazards in the workplace monitoring results;
Occupation health examination results and the handling of the case;
Occupation disease diagnosis laborer such as health information.