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ISO14000环境认证 ISO14001环境管理体系问题探讨 发布时间: 2011-12-27 18:50 点击:

ISO14000环境认证 ISO14001环境管理体系问题探讨
ISO14000 environmental certification ISO14001 environment management system of
First: according to the requirements of 4.5.2, if the audit process found in the discharge of three wastes no standard ( enterprise oneself discovered), while enterprises have also developed the corresponding cause analysis and corrective measures
A: corrective action has been completed, the final results.
一种是: 纠正措施正在实施过程中,在现场也看到了其实施的证据作为审核员如何判定?符合还是不符合?
A: corrective measures in carrying out a process, at the scene also saw the implementation of evidence as the auditor to judge? Meet or not?
Second: if the enterprise to develop environmental target and determine the important environmental factors do not have any relationship.
若企业所确定的重要环境因素都不采取目标指标的控制方法进行控制,那企业又该确定什 么样的环境目标指标呢?
If the enterprise is determined by the important environmental factors are not taken to target the control method of the control, the enterprise should determine what kind of environmental target?
Third: environmental monitoring and measurement and evaluation of compliance with the essential differences
第四:如何提供对于为组织工作或代表组织工作具有重大环境影响的人员的能力方面的证据?提   供到什么程度?
Fourth: how to provide work for the organization or representative organization have a significant impact on the environment of the staff 's ability of evidence? To offer to what extent?
第五: 只有4.4.6里面提到形成文件的程序,其他条款只是提到保持一个或多个程序,假如企业没有建立文件化的程序,作为审核员如何判定?
Fifth: only 4.4.6 which referred to the documented procedures, other terms only mentions that maintains one or more program, if the enterprise does not have to establish a documented procedure, an auditor to judge?
Judge not consistent with what the reason is?
Decision consistent with reason is what?
第六:新版的ISO14001标准对于记录没有明确提出要确定保存期限(有一个词语: 留存),假如在审核过程中,发现企业的记录没有确定保存期限,作为审核员如何判定?
Sixth : the new ISO14001 standard for recording has not explicitly put forward to determine the retention period ( one word: retained ), if in the review process, finds that the record did not determine the retention period, an auditor to judge?
Judge not consistent with what the reason is?
Decision consistent with reason is what?
第七: 对于重要环境因素大家都知道有三种控制措施: 环境目标指标   运行控制   应急准备和响应,那么如何界定何种重要环境因素用环境目标指标来控制?何种重要环境因素用运行控制来控制?(对于应急准备和响应方面的就不用讨论了)
Seventh: the important environmental factors we all know that there are three control measures: environmental target operation control emergency preparedness and response, then how to define the important environmental factors using environmental target to control? The important environmental factors for operation control to control? ( for emergency preparedness and response would not have discussed )