ISO17025 CNAS获准认可机构的权利和义务是什么? 发布时间: 2015-01-11 20:40 点击:

ISO17025 CNAS获准认可机构的权利和义务是什么?
What are the rights and obligations of ISO17025 CNAS approved institutions?
1 权利
1 Rights
8.1.1 获准认可机构有在宣传刊物、广告上声明其有关检测、校准领域被认可的权利。
8.1.1 approved accreditation bodies in publications, advertising on the statement of their relevant detection, calibration field recognized rights.
8.1.2 获准认可机构有在其获认可范围内出具的证书或报告上以及拟用的广告、专用信笺、宣传刊物上使用认可标志的权利。
8.1.2 approved accreditation bodies in the authorized range issued certificate or report and intends to use advertising, special letterhead, publications on the use of the accreditation symbol rights.
8.1.3 获准认可机构有对CNAS及其工作人员、评审人员的工作提出投诉和申诉的权利。
8.1.3 approved accreditation bodies have filed a complaint and appeal rights to CNAS and its staff, review staff.
8.1.4 获准认可机构有自愿终止认可资格的权利。
8.1.4 approved accreditation bodies have voluntary termination of accreditation qualification right.
2 义务
The 2 obligation
8.2.1 获准认可机构应遵守CNAS规则的规定。
The provisions of 8.2.1 approved institutions should comply with CNAS rules.
8.2.2 获准认可机构向所有客户提供的服务应持续地符合本规则5 的规定。
8.2.2 approved accreditation bodies to provide all customers service should continue to comply with the provisions of rule 5.
8.2.3 获准认可机构在CNAS安排的评审活动中应提供必要的设施,并执行评审组提出的验证试验,为有关人员在审查文件、初次评审、监督(扩项)评审、复评审和解决争议、进入被评审的区域、查阅记录和接触工作人员等方面提供方便。
8.2.3 approved accreditation bodies in the CNAS arrangement in the accreditation activities shall provide the necessary facilities, and performs the validation test review group puts forward, for the relevant personnel supervision on file for review, the initial review, (expansion) assessment, accreditation and the settlement of disputes, to access the review area, convenient access to records and contact the staff etc. hand.
8.2.4 获准认可机构以及被CNAS正式受理的申请人必须参加CNAS指定的能力验证、实验室比对或测量审核活动。
Must participate in the ability of CNAS, the validation specified laboratory comparison or measurement audit activities 8.2.4 approved accreditation bodies and the applicant was formally accepted by CNAS.
8.2.5 获准认可机构必须对其出具的证书或报告负责,为客户保守秘密。
8.2.5 approved accreditation bodies must be responsible for the issuance of the certificate or report, for the customer to keep a secret.
8.2.6 获准认可机构对客户提出的投诉,应有明确的处理程序,如在收到投诉后2个月内不能圆满解决,应将投诉的概要内容和处理经过通知CNAS。
8.2.6 approved accreditation bodies to customer complaints, there should be a clear process, 2 months can not solve satisfactorily as after receiving the complaint, should be a summary and handling of complaints after notification CNAS.
8.2.7 获准认可机构在发生本规则6.5.1.1条所述变化时,应及时书面通知CNAS。
8.2.7 approved accreditation bodies in the event of the rules of the changes of, should be timely written notice to CNAS.
8.2.8 获准认可机构不得从事任何有损CNAS声誉的活动。不得利用认可暗示某产品获得CNAS的认可,或作出CNAS认为会引起误解的声明。
8.2.8 approved institutions shall not engage in any activities of the lossy CNAS reputation. Shall not use approval suggest a product obtained CNAS approval, or make CNAS think misleading statement.
8.2.9 获准认可机构在其证书或报告或宣传媒介,如广告、宣传小册子或其他场合中表明其认可状态时,须符合CNAS的有关规定。
8.2.9 approved accreditation bodies in the certificate or report or media, such as advertising, brochures or other occasions that its recognition of state, shall comply with the relevant provisions of CNAS.
8.2.10 获准认可机构在被CNAS撤销认可后应立即交回认可证书,停止在证书或报告上、宣传材料上以及采用其他方式显示其认可资格或使用认可标志。
8.2.10 approved accreditation bodies in the withdrawal by the CNAS approval should immediately return the certificate of accreditation, stop in the certificate or report, publicity materials and use other means to display their accreditation or the use of the accreditation symbol.
8.2.11 获准认可机构应按有关规定交纳费用。
8.2.11 approved institutions should pay fees according to the relevant provisions.