欧盟更正针对食品的有机产品相关法规 发布时间: 2020-11-02 13:45 点击:
EU corrects regulations on organic products for food
2020年10月13日,欧盟委员会发布G/ TBT/N/EU/751/Corr.1通报,更正针对食品的有机产品相关法规。主要更正内容包括:
On October 13, 2020, the European Commission issued g / TBT / N / EU / 751 / Corr.1 circular to amend the regulations on organic products for food. The main corrections include:
1. 规定某些有机产品规则实施日期。将欧洲议会和理事会2018年5月30日发布的法规(EU)2018/848《关于有机产品生产和标签的法规》的实施日期从2021年1月1日推迟至2022年1月1日,并废除了条例(EC)No 834/2007。
1. Stipulate the implementation date of some organic product rules. The implementation date of regulation (EU) 2018 / 848 "regulation on the production and labelling of organic products", issued by the European Parliament and the Council on 30 may 2018, was postponed from 1 January 2021 to 1 January 2022, and regulation (EC) no 834 / 2007 was repealed.
2. 将2020年1月13日欧盟委员会授权法规(EU)2020/427的生效日期推迟一年,(EU)2020/427修订了(EU)2018/848《关于有机产品生产和标签的法规》附件二,规定了有机产品生产和标签的适用规则。
2. To postpone the entry into force of the Commission's enabling regulation (EU) 2020 / 427 of 13 January 2020 by one year, (EU) 2020 / 427 amends Annex II to the (EU) 2018 / 848 regulation on the production and labelling of organic products to provide the applicable rules for the production and labelling of organic products.
What is organic product certification
The definition of organic agriculture by Codex Alimentarius Commission: organic agriculture is an integrated production management system that promotes and strengthens the health of agro ecosystem including biodiversity, biological cycle and soil biological activities. Based on clear and strict production standards, organic agricultural production system is committed to the optimization of social, ecological and economic sustainability.
· 原料来自有机农业生产体系
·Raw materials come from organic agricultural production system
· 加工、包装、运输、贮存、销售过程中不受污染
·No pollution during processing, packaging, transportation, storage and sales
· 完善的质量控制和跟踪审查体系
·Perfect quality control and follow-up review system
· 生产过程中对生态破坏和环境污染最小
·The ecological damage and environmental pollution are the least in the production process
· 独立的认证机构认证
·Independent certification body certification
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