社会责任验厂 国外客户为什么要进行社会责任验厂? 发布时间: 2020-03-20 15:37 点击:
社会责任验厂 国外客户为什么要进行社会责任验厂
Why do foreign customers carry out social responsibility factory inspection?
目前,很多工厂进行验厂的主要目的是为了拿到订单。那么客户为什么要求其供应商进行验厂呢? 根据验厂内容的不同,其目的也不同。
At present, the main purpose of many factories' inspection is to get orders. So why do customers require their suppliers to carry out factory inspection? According to different inspection contents, the purpose is also different.
Purpose of social responsibility factory inspection:
As an enterprise, what social responsibilities does it undertake while creating benefits for the society? For employees? To society? For the environment? Social responsibility factory is also called human rights factory, which mainly focuses on the working environment and welfare of employees. Social responsibility inspection is not only to complete their own social responsibility, but also to reflect the competitiveness of enterprises.
验厂 反恐验厂 反恐认证 验厂资料 社会责任验厂标准 验厂流程 验厂咨询
Factory inspection anti terrorism factory inspection anti terrorism certification factory inspection data social responsibility factory inspection standard factory inspection process factory inspection consultation