中国环境标志产品认证的种类与范围(89类产品) 发布时间: 2011-10-30 00:32 点击:


Chinese environmental product certification marks the kinds and range ( 89 products )
1 家用制冷器具 500L以下电机驱动压缩式家用电冰箱 2 无铅车用汽油 点燃式内燃机的燃料   
1 household refrigerating appliances 500L following motor drive compression type refrigerator 2 unleaded gasoline spark-ignition engine fuel
3 再生纸制品 以废纸生产的再生纸和装饰及建筑材料 
3 recycled paper products paper production of recycled paper and decoration and building materials
4 无汞镉铅充电电池 各类充电电池   
4 no mercury lead cadmium rechargeable batteries various types of rechargeable batteries
5 无汞干电池 各类干电池   
5 of mercury-free dry batteries dry battery
6 防虫蛀毛纺织品 防虫蛀类毛纺织品   
6 the mothproof wool textile mothproof class of wool textiles
7 包装制品 替代不易降解的塑料膜类、袋类包装制品和纸塑复合包装制品   
The 7 packaging products instead of easily degradable plastic film packaging products, bags and paper-plastic composite packaging products
8 软饮料类 不含乙醇的饮料制品   
8 soft drinks without alcohol beverage products
9 节能荧光灯 自镇流荧光灯、单端荧光灯、半灯具  
9 energy saving fluorescent lamp self-ballasted fluorescent lamp, fluorescent lamp, a lamp single end
10 节能低汞型双端荧光灯管 双端荧光灯管   
10 energy saving low mercury fluorescent lamp fluorescent lamp
11 节能电子镇流器 独立式电子镇流器   
11 independent electronic ballast energy saving electronic ballast
12 儿童玩具 为14岁以下儿童设计或明显为他们使用的玩具   
In 12 children's toys for children under the age of 14 for their design or apparent use of toys
13 低噪音洗衣机 额定洗涤容量在8kg(含)以下的洗衣机(包括脱水机)   
13 low noise washing machine rated washing capacity in 8kg ( including) the following ( including dehydration machine washing machine )
14 节能、低噪音房间空气调节器 采用全封闭压缩机,制冷量在14000W以下,以创造室内舒适环境为目的的家用和类似用途的房间空气调节器   
14 energy saving, low noise room air conditioner using closed compressor, refrigerating capacity below 14000W, in order to create a comfortable indoor environment for the purpose of household and similar electrical room air conditioner
15 节能、低排放燃气灶具 使用城市燃气的灶具、烤箱、烤箱灶和燃气饭锅   
15 energy-saving, low emission gas stove using city gas stove, oven, oven, stove and gas cooker
16 陶瓷、微晶玻璃和玻璃餐具制品 与饮用水、饮料或食物接触的陶瓷、微晶玻璃和玻璃餐具制品   
16 ceramic, glass-ceramic ware and glass dinnerware and drinking water, beverage or food contact ceramic, glass-ceramic ware and glass dinnerware
17 无氟氯化碳工商用制冷设备 除家用制冷设备和车、船用制冷设备外的各类制冷设备   
17 No refrigerating equipment for Industry and Commerce in addition to household refrigeration equipment and vehicles, marine refrigeration equipment of various types of refrigeration equipment
18 家用微波炉 额定电压不超过250V的家用微波炉   19 无石棉建筑制品 各种用其他纤维替代石棉纤维的建筑制品(瓦、管和保温材料)   
18 household microwave oven in a rated voltage not exceeding 250V household microwave oven 19 asbestos free building materials with various other fiber instead of asbestos fiber building products ( W, pipe and insulation materials )
20 替代卤代烷灭火器 ABC干粉灭火器、AFFF水成膜泡沫液、CO2灭火器、水系灭火器、惰性气体、HFC、HCFC等灭火剂制造的灭火器   
20 alternatives to halon fire extinguishers ABC dry powder fire extinguisher, AFFF liquid AFFF, CO2 fire extinguishers, fire extinguisher, inert gas, HFC, HCFC and other fire extinguishing agent manufacturing fire extinguisher
21 磷石膏建材产品 以磷石膏为主要原材料生产的各类石膏建材产品(板除外)   
21 phosphorus gypsum building materials with phosphorus gypsum as main raw materials to produce various types of gypsum building materials products ( plate except)
22 生态纺织品 各类纺织品和各阶段产品如纤维、纱线、辅料等,不含地毯   
22 ecological textiles various types of textiles and phases of products such as fiber, yarn, and other accessories, excluding carpet
23 非铝质压力炊具 以铁和不锈钢为主体材质制成的各类压力炊具   
23 non aluminum pressure cooker with iron and stainless steel as the main material of all kinds of pressure cooker
24 安全性防虫蛀剂 以樟脑或拟除虫菊酯为原料生产的衣物、书籍类防虫蛀剂产品   
24 safety mothproof agent to camphor or pyrethroid as raw materials to produce clothing, books mothproof agent products