ISO26000界定了社会责任的核心主题。组织管理、人权、劳工实践、环境、公平运营、消费者议题、社区参与和发展等七个方面 发布时间: 2015-01-13 13:29 点击:

ISO26000 defines the core theme of social responsibility. Seven aspects of organization management, human rights, labor practices, environmental, fair operation, consumer issues, community participation and development
Previous social responsibility standards or the practice of social responsibility, either unilateral (such as the SA8000 standard only relates to labor protection), or chaos (such as many enterprises or institutions evaluation only by the enterprise donation amount to propaganda, to evaluate its social responsibility behavior), its cause is to weave social responsibility theme for group misinterpretation or misunderstanding, which reflects the social responsibility movement is still in the exploratory stage in some degree;
ISO26000 made a breakthrough in this regard, it defines the core theme of social responsibility.
These topics include organization management, human rights, labor practices, environmental, fair operation, consumer issues, community participation and development of seven aspects.
Defining the core theme, comprehensively, accurately indicates the organization to fulfill the social responsibility of the content, clear the direction of social responsibility, that is, the organization shall establish contributes to the organizational structure of the social responsibility of the decision making process, promote the social responsibility of the core principles and practical application of basic human rights, and should be in practice, labor, environmental protection and other six aspects, the specific interpretation and reflect the organization social responsibility connotation.
ISO26000 defines the core theme of social responsibility. Seven aspects of organization management, human rights, labor practices, environmental, fair operation, consumer issues, community participation and development