要跟这6种人合作 发布时间: 2021-09-12 15:43 点击:
Work with these six kinds of people
1、 能始终跟着团队一起成长的人。
1. People who can always grow with the team.
2、 对团队的前景始终看好的人。
2. People who are always optimistic about the future of the team.
3、 在团队不断的探索中能找到自己位置的人。
3. People who can find their place in the continuous exploration of the team.
4、 为了团队新的目标不断学习新东西的人。
4. A person who keeps learning new things for the new goals of the team.
5、 抗压能力强且有耐性的人。
5. A person who is resistant to pressure and has patience.
6、 与团队同心同德、同舟共济、同甘共苦的,不计较个人得失,顾全大局的人!
6. People who share weal and woe with the team, regardless of personal gains and losses, and take the overall situation into account!
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