印象管理 注重自己在别人眼中的形象,这个倾向无可厚非 发布时间: 2021-04-03 21:11 点击:
印象管理 注重自己在别人眼中的形象,这个倾向无可厚非
There is nothing wrong with the tendency that impression management pays attention to its own image in other people's eyes.
In many cases, pay attention to other people's feelings of themselves, and respect others. We don't like to work with someone who doesn't care about other people's feelings (whether it's work or life).
However, the technique of "impression management" is used more frequently, and it is easier to use it askew
1. 生怕领导看不见自己的贡献。领导在场的时候和不在场的时候两个样。
1. I'm afraid the leaders can't see their contribution. It's not the same when leaders are present or not.
2. 在团队里面,不由自主地不说真话,不表达真情实感。但也不是故意说假话,而是说一些“职业的套话”。
2. In the team, I can't help but not tell the truth and express my true feelings. But it's not a deliberate lie, it's a "professional story.".
3. 做事情形式大于内容,比如PPT或公文写得很全面,但就是不会直指核心问题。
3. The form of doing things is greater than the content. For example, PPT or official documents are very comprehensive, but they don't directly point to the core issues.
4. 以安全稳妥为名,不去干任何没把握的事情,不能用OKR的实质来工作。
4. In the name of safety and security, don't do anything uncertain, and don't work with the essence of OKR.
5. 特别敏感,总是在猜测别人是不是不喜欢自己了,或自己哪句话说错了。
5. Very sensitive, always guessing whether others don't like themselves or what they say is wrong.
6. 首先想的是不输,而不是为了赢,因为输了会破坏形象。等等。
6. The first thing to think about is not to lose, not to win, because losing will damage the image. wait.
Too much attention to other people's impression of themselves, will greatly reduce the attention to the matter itself, abandon the essentials. If we use the technique of impression management too much, we will become "self-centered" rather than "result oriented".
Some time ago, I wrote an article "real executives need to be a little insensitive", emphasizing that we should not overuse the technique of "impression management".
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