Teamwork当然是对的 只有单打独斗肯定是不行的 发布时间: 2021-04-03 21:04 点击:
Teamwork is certainly right. You can't fight alone.
“相互依赖是比独立更高的价值观/Interdependence is a higher value than independence”。这是Stephen Covey在《高效人士的七个习惯》中的一句话,我印象很深刻。
Interdependence is a higher value than independence. This is a sentence from Stephen Covey's seven habits of highly effective people. I'm very impressed.
However, the premise of realizing "interdependence" is "independence". If we are not independent, we should shout "interdependence", which is essentially "dependence".
If such team work is overused, there will be such a phenomenon: evading personal responsibility in the name of team work, or exaggerating one's own contribution. However, it has not reached the point of making up for the number.
More specific behaviors include:
1. 什么事都愿意参与,但没一个重要的事情敢于独立担纲,去承担“无限责任”。
1. Willing to participate in everything, but no important thing dares to undertake "unlimited responsibility" independently.
2. 两个人一起做了1的成绩,结果,每个人都说自己贡献了0.8,合起来要1.6的回报。
2. Two people made a score of 1 together. As a result, everyone said that they contributed 0.8, and together they wanted a return of 1.6.
3. 以“参与”为名去“挑活”。去go with winner,抱大腿,去做那些容易成功、或者即将成功的事情。
3. Choose jobs in the name of participation. Go with winner, hold your thighs, and do things that are easy to succeed or are about to succeed.
4. 对情感支持有无限需求,无法单独面对任务,干什么事情都必须得有人商量着来。等等。
4. There is an unlimited demand for emotional support, and you can't face the task alone. You must have someone to discuss everything. wait.
Behind every real change and breakthrough, there must be a real leader: a leader who is willing to undertake "unlimited responsibility", a leader who has to face loneliness, confusion, criticism and bench. Many such real leaders do not have the title of leadership, but such a person is a leader that an organization can really rely on.
我并不是在鼓吹“单兵作战能力”,我强调的是单兵作战能力背后的那种气质:那种横刀立马的气质;那种攻坚克难的气质;那种Just do it的气质;那种敢于蓬头垢面的气质。
I'm not advocating "individual combat capability". What I emphasize is the temperament behind the individual combat capability: the temperament of the horizontal knife immediately; the temperament of overcoming difficulties; the temperament of just do it; the temperament of daring to be unkempt.
Every executive should have his own position and direction. When necessary, you have to carry a bayonet to fight directly, especially for start-up companies.
This kind of temperament can't be lost. Without this kind of temperament, executives can easily become "pig teammates", become "vases", and difficult to become "real executives".
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