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提升个人竞争力的9个核心要求 发布时间: 2022-06-16 17:52 点击:
9 core requirements for improving personal competitiveness
1. 果敢决断—— 遇事不优柔寡断,谋定而动,静若处子,动若脱兔。
1. resolute decision-making: in case of any problem, he is not indecisive, but moves with determination. He is as calm as a virgin and as dynamic as a rabbit.
2. 抓住机遇—— 无论顺境逆境,都善于把握机会、创造机遇。
2. seize opportunities - be good at seizing and creating opportunities in both good and bad times.
3. 打破困境—— 遇到困难善于破冰,找准小切口,打开大局面。
3. break through difficulties - be good at breaking the ice when encountering difficulties, find out the small incision and open up the overall situation.
4. 挑战弱点—— 凡事不要怕,怕就输一辈子,敢于突破自我。
4. challenge your weaknesses - don't be afraid of anything. If you are afraid, you will lose all your life. Dare to break through yourself.
5. 调整心态—— 绝不让情绪影响判断,保持空杯心态,处事游刃有余。
5. adjust your mind - never let your emotions affect your judgment, keep an empty cup mind and handle things with ease.
6. 错位竞争—— 知己知彼,善于发挥自己的优势,以己之矛攻己之盾。
6. misplaced competition - know yourself and the enemy, be good at giving play to your own advantages, and attack your own shield with your own spear.
7. 立即行动—— 少说话多做事,大多数人的失败是因为犹豫不决和拖拉散漫。
7. act immediately - talk less and do more. Most people fail because of hesitation and procrastination.
8. 善于交往—— 真正的高手都善于经营资源,以力借力,借力打力。
8. be good at communication - real experts are good at managing resources, relying on their strength.
9. 勤于思考—— 善于学习,勤于思考,勇于实践,敢于创新,相信你是最棒的!
9. be diligent in thinking - be good at learning, be diligent in thinking, have the courage to practice and innovate. I believe you are the best!
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