卓越团队培训专家:钟明辉老师 发布时间: 2011-12-15 17:13 点击:

Excellent team: Zhong Minghui teacher training expert


Business management manager,
Senior development potential training division,
Excellent team mental training expert,
Ministry of human resources and social security occupation qualification training
Mentor, NLP ( neural grammar programming ) trainer
西工大MBA 职业经理人培训特聘讲师
NPU MBA occupation manager training distinguished lecturer
The lecturer network of excellence team training signed a lecturer
Peking University EMBA class office Shaanxi lecturer
Chongqing house net Kang 's enterprise management consulting company training instructor, Beijing aspect of intelligent enterprise management consulting company limited training instructor, Chinese Academy chief instructor.
Served as Sunrider (China) Guangzhou District Sales Manager, many times to the known as" the father of Southeast Asia." a teacher training in learning potential. To the influence of Shanghai Education Group founder Yi Fajiu teacher learning" leadership style" training course. Engaged in education and training, business management consulting industry for many years, the trainees more than 50000 people.
训练风格:具有深厚的管理学、教育学、心理学、人力资源管理功底和丰富的职业教育与培训经验。在培训中,坚持“说到无法做到的不讲,明白而又无法实践的不教”; 培训风格沉稳但不失幽默,具有极强的亲和力和感染力。
Training style: deep with the management science, pedagogy, psychology, human resources management knowledge and rich experience in the occupation education and training. In training," said cannot do not speak, understand and can't practice does not teach"; training style steady but humorous, has the very strong affinity and appeal.
Research areas: professional commitment to enterprise human technology research and development, and strive to provide customers with" value and has the effect of training advisory services". In many years of training occupation career, bell teacher study and systematic study of the team building and leadership, sales psychology, life-power training system, potential success, experiential learning theory and NLP mental grammar programming, management science, psychology theory. Through in-depth study, combined with many years of more than fifty thousand students share, she has become in the staff and team mental training, team training, leadership potential detonation character, outstanding training expert.
Main courses:
" Insurance direct sales team incentive training"" pro-youth Thanksgiving lessons"
" Responsibility and execution of training"" team construction and execution of training camp",
" The education of sense of responsibility"," achievement elite gold mentality"
" Potential"," detonate team team construction and the spiritual practice"
" Love power" -- team cohesiveness training,
" Employees' gratitude and responsibility"," middle management and leadership skills of actual combat training"
Training for customer:
 大型企业:联想、神州数码、中兴通讯、中国电信、中国联通、蒙牛乳业、彩虹集团、庆安集团、长庆油田、西北空管局、陕重汽集团、东方集团、中国飞行试验研究院、陕西大唐芙蓉园,陕西大唐西市,重庆大江集团,重庆卫生局,重庆巴南医院,甘肃中庆集团,甘肃企业协会,……