生产与人力资源管理讲师:坚鹏老师介绍 发布时间: 2011-12-15 15:57 点击:

Production and Human Resource Management Lecturer: Jian Peng teacher introduction

 中国最实战的精益管理专家
In China the most practical management expert
 北大纵横管理咨询集团合伙人
In the aspect of Management Consulting Group partners
 总裁网特聘专家
Is president of network expert
 影响力集团特聘讲师
Influence of the group is distinguished lecturer
 私人管理教练
In private management instructor
 多家企业常年管理顾问
In many enterprises perennial management consultancy
 多家机构特聘讲师
In many agencies distinguished lecturer
Classic courses
 《精益成本管理- 快速降低企业成本》
In" lean cost management - fast reducing enterprise cost"
 《卓越中层智慧-成为卓越中层的秘密》
In" excellent middle wisdom become outstanding middle-level secret"
 《赢在绩效辅导-揭开绩效管理的黑洞》
In" win in performance coaching - opened hole" performance management
 《赢在胜任力提升-企业持续成功之道》
In" win in competency upgrade enterprise sustained success"
 《TTT培训师培训-助你成为优秀内训师》
In" TTT training - to help you become the best training division"
 ……
It ... ...
Education background
Huazhong University of Science and Technology MBA
Dalian University of Technology Electronic Engineering
Dalian University of Technology outstanding reporter
 拥有丰富的咨询经验和培训经验,服务多家客户。
It has rich experience in consulting and training experience, serve customers.
 拥有先进的管理理念,丰富的实战管理经验。
It has advanced management concepts, rich management experience in actual combat.
 有国企、民企、外企多种企业类型及大(年营业额超过200亿)、中、小多种企业规模的10余工作经验,熟悉日美港台管理方式。
In state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, foreign enterprises and a large variety of types ( annual turnover of more than 20000000000 ), in a variety of enterprises, small scale more than 10 work experience, familiar with the Hong Kong management.
 有企业基层、中层与高层的管理经验。
It is enterprise base, middle and senior management experience.
 历任研发工程师、工程主管、品质经理、生产经理、PMC经理、HR经理、副总经理、总经理等职务。
It served as the engineer, project manager, quality manager, production manager, PMC manager, HR manager, vice general manager, general manager.
 具有企业全面管理工作经验,特别是在研发、工程、品质、生产、PMC、仓库等部门拥有丰富的管理经验,擅长工厂运营管理。
It has a comprehensive business management experience, especially in the research and development, engineering, quality, production, PMC, warehouse and other departments have a wealth of management experience, good at factory operation and management.
 专门跟随国际魔术师龙凤学习魔术,将魔术与培训融为一体,能够为学员提供更多精彩!
Is specialized to follow international magician dragon to learn magic, magic and training com., can provide more wonderful!
Areas of expertise
Lean production in
◆ 6S、目视化管理、标准化作业、IE、VSM(价值流分析)
The 6S, visual management, standardized operation, IE, VSM ( value stream analysis )
◆ TOC、连续流、TPM 、CELL线、安灯系统、看板管理
The TOC, TPM, CELL, continuous line, andon system, Kanban management
◆ 快速换线(模)、自働化、拉系统、JIT、均衡化生产
Quick change line ( die ), Jidoka, pull system, JIT, balanced production
◆ 精益战略、管理架构变革、运营系统变革、思维能力变革
The lean strategies, management structure reform, operation system reform, thinking ability change
◆ 多工厂联合管理
Multi joint factory management
Human resource management
◆ 组织战略规划、组织结构设计、流程优化、人力资源规划
Organizational strategy, organizational structure design, process optimization, human resources planning
◆ 职位分析、职位评估、招聘调配管理、培训管理
The job analysis, position evaluation, recruitment and allocation management, training management
◆ KPI体系建立、绩效管理、薪酬管理、企业制度体系建立
The KPI system is set up, performance management, salary management system, enterprise system establishment