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CCAA服务认证审查员注册专业和级别 发布时间: 2021-05-10 21:58 点击:
Registered specialty and level of CCAA service certification examiner
1.4.1 CCAA服务认证审查员注册专业为一般服务认证
1.4.1 the registered major of CCAA service certification examiner is general service certification.
1.4.2 CCAA服务认证审查员注册资格分为实习审查员、审查员和高级审查员三个级别。
1.4.2 the registration qualification of CCAA service certification examiner is divided into three levels: internship examiner, examiner and senior examiner.
1.4.3 CCAA服务认证审查员注册原则上遵循逐级晋升。
1.4.3 in principle, the registration of CCAA service certification examiner shall follow the principle of promotion step by step. 高级审查员申请人应具有审查员注册资格至少2年。如申请人已具有其他领域高级认证人员注册(不含确认)资格时,可不受本条款限制。 the senior examiner applicant shall have the examiner registration qualification for at least 2 years. If the applicant has the qualification of registration (excluding confirmation) of senior certification personnel in other fields, it may not be limited by this clause.
Service certification:
At present, the service certification carried out mainly includes: Commodity after-sales service certification, payment business facility certification of non-financial institutions, property service certification, pension service certification, bank business outlet service certification, information security service qualification certification, logistics service certification, car rental service certification, construction engineering service certification, health service certification, e-commerce service certification, etc.
Determined by the essential attributes of certification and accreditation, the basic functions of certification and accreditation include three:
First, confirm that the requirements of standards and technical specifications are met through professional conformity assessment;
The second is to pass on relevant information and establish the trust of the demander in the certification and recognition object through credible public proof;
The third is to provide enterprises with the motivation and measures for continuous improvement.
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1998年至今 ISO认证/企业资质服务 直办非中介 全国接单 远程或就近安排审核