ISO9000认证,ISO14000认证,商家自贴“环保标识” 坑害消费者 发布时间: 2011-10-19 20:35

ISO9000认证ISO14000认证,商家自贴“环保标识” 坑害消费者
ISO9000 certification, ISO14000 certification, business since the paste "green logo" entrap consumer
" In fact, decoration materials on the green flag, there are many manufacturers themselves pastes." Recently, the personage inside course of study to the reporter.
“环保建材 ”危害消费者
" Green building materials" harm consumer
沈阳的吴先生在装修新房时,特意购买了外包装上标有“经×××认证的绿色产品”、“无毒、无味,可放心使用”等字样的环保型油漆 ,但装修结束后,房子里的气味几个月都没有散尽,而身上也出现了很多红色小疙瘩,到医院检查才知道是油漆过敏。吴先生心里纳闷儿,难道说是“绿色”建材不环保吗?
Shenyang Wu in the decoration new premises, specially bought packaging marked with" x x x certification of green products"," non-toxic, tasteless, can rest assured that the use of" environment-friendly paint, but after the renovation, the odors in the house a few months are not cleared, and who also appeared a lot of small red knot in the mind, to the hospital to check to know is a painting allergies. Mr. Wu was puzzled, is the" green" building materials environmental protection?
李先生在家具 城看中了一套价值1.2万余元的组合家具,样品的标牌上醒目地写着:“无毒无害,绿色环保”。就因为这8个字,李先生决定购买,并要求营业员在发票上写下“绿色环保”几个字。新家具搬进房间后,房间里却开始充满刺鼻的气味。李先生于是请人来测试居室的空气质量。测试结果让人震惊,房间里所有取样点的甲醛浓度都超过了国家标准。报告说,“从采样点的位置及室内的实际情况可分析出,整个住宅中的甲醛主要来自家具所使用的粘合剂。”
Mr. Lee in the furniture city had a value of 1.2 yuan of combination furniture, sample signs emblazoned with:" non-toxic harmless, green environmental protection". Because of the 8 words, Lee decided to purchase, and asked the salesperson on the invoice write" green " a few words. New furniture into the room, room was filled with a pungent smell. Lee then asked people to test the indoor air quality. Test results of shocking, the room all the sampling points of the formaldehyde concentration exceeded the national standard. The report says," from the position of the sampling point and the actual situation of interior analysis, the whole residential formaldehyde mainly comes from the furniture using adhesive."
Businesses of their own" green label stickers"
“其实装修装饰材料 上的绿色环保标志,有很多是厂家自己贴上去的。”日前,有业内人士向本报记者爆料。
" In fact, decoration materials on the green flag, there are many manufacturers themselves pastes." Recently, the personage inside course of study to the reporter.
When a reporter to the identity of the consumer investigations Shenyang some building materials market, also found a number of issues. In a certain building materials market brand tile shop, the sales people to sell products, these products have reached the promulgation of the new national environmental standards, is a" green" products. When a reporter asked whether there is a" green" environmental protection certificate, the sales staff at hanging on the wall of the certificate, their products have been a number of departments detection, won many awards, quality inspection of qualified products are" green" environmental protection product. But when asked about the so-called" green product" is through the authority of departments, the salesperson to tell the reason.
In another archives mouth, the reporter puts forward to want to view the products harmful substances testing report, the salesman should come up with ISO9000 or ISO14000 quality certification, what one says is plausible. Said: " if this product is harmful to the human body, quality standards, through the ISO certification?" When a reporter noted, the test report and quality certification cannot be confused, the salesman said impatiently:" which is like you so much trouble, want to see the certificate that card? If we are like you afraid that this is afraid of that, that have nothing to buy!"