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ISO标准,ISO25639-1《展览与会议 第1部分:词汇》正式立项 发布时间: 2022-05-05 11:38 点击:
ISO标准,ISO25639-1《展览与会议 第1部分:词汇》正式立项
ISO standard, iso25639-1 exhibition and conference Part 1: vocabulary, was officially approved
中国贸促会新闻发言人于毅在4月例行新闻发布会上透露,ISO25639-1《展览与会议 第1部分:词汇》国际标准近期以94.29%的高投票赞成率由国际标准化组织(ISO)正式立项,这是自1978年中国恢复了ISO的成员身份以来,在会展领域中国首次牵头制定国际标准。
Yu Yi, spokesman of CCPIT, revealed at a regular press conference in April that the international standard of iso25639-1 exhibition and conference Part 1: vocabulary was officially approved by the international organization for Standardization (ISO) with a high vote rate of 94.29%. This is the first time that China has taken the lead in formulating international standards in the field of convention and exhibition since China restored its membership of ISO in 1978.
He said that in the next step, CCPIT will guide the commercial industry committee of CCPIT to do a good job in the relevant work of the ISO exhibition and conference international standardization working group, promote the development of ISO exhibition and conference international standards, and contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to global governance in the field of exhibition and conference.
中國中鴻實業有限公司旗下:中鸿认证服务 www.cnqr.org
1998年至今 ISO认证/企业资质服务 直办非中介 全国接单 远程或就近安排审核