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关于注销中国质量协会软件质量分会、中国质量协会林业分会的公告 发布时间: 2011-11-18 15:10 点击:

On the cancellation of Chinese quality association, China Association for quality software quality of forestry branch announcement
为维护全国质协系统的品牌与声誉,经2011年4月10日中国质量协会第八届四次理事会审议批准,国务院国有资产监督管理委员会审查同意,中国质量协会已向中华人民共和国民政部提出注销“中国质量协会软件质量分会” 和“中国质量协会林业分会”。
For the maintenance of the National Association for quality system of brand and reputation, in April 10, 2011 by the China Quality Association for the eighth session of four Council approval, the state-owned assets supervision and Administration Commission agreed to review, Chinese quality association is to the people's Republic of China Ministry of civil affairs, the cancellation of" China Quality Association Quality branch" and" China Quality Association Branch of forestry".
Notice is hereby given.
Two, one one May 25th