能源管理体系认证管理手册最高管理者承诺书 发布时间: 2015-02-04 20:25 点击:

Energy management system certification management manual top management commitment book
承 诺 书
Commitment book
All employees of the company and related parties:
According to the requirements of our company to build energy management system, strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations and other requirements, provide adequate resources, regular management reviews, through the improvement of the energy management system, continuously improve its effectiveness. We hereby agree as follows:
1, to provide energy management system establish, implement, maintain and continually improve the resources needed, in order to achieve the goal of energy performance, resources include human resources, professional skills, technology and financial resources, etc.
2, the appointment of management representative and approved the establishment of energy management team;
3, through meetings, training and other means, in the importance of energy management of the internal communication of the company;
4, the establishment of the company specified safety department specifically responsible for the energy targets, indicators, and formulate the corresponding assessment scheme, implementation of the performance appraisal according to plan;
5, personally involved in the energy performance parameters of the review, to ensure that the energy performance parameters suitable for the organization;
6, in the coal general manager of planning phase to consider energy consumption, energy use and energy efficiency energy performance problems, to ensure that the company in terms of energy strategic advantage;
7, the daily supervision, target assessment, internal audit, timely evaluation and report the results of energy management, grasp the initiative of energy management.
承诺人:    二0一四年六月十五日
The promise: two 0 June 15th one four
Energy management system certification management manual top management commitment book