ISO27018认证的适用于哪些企业和组织 发布时间: 2021-08-17 17:37 点击:
Which enterprises and organizations are iso27018 certified for
Scope of application of iso27018 certification: iso27018 certification is applicable to large or small organizations in any department.
This standard is especially applicable to the protection of personal data stored in the cloud environment.
现在, GDPR现已生效,对于组织而言,证明合规性并显示其如何保护数据(尤其是未存储 在一个位置的数据)至关重要。
Now that gdpr is in force, it is crucial for organizations to demonstrate compliance and show how they protect data, especially data that is not stored in one location.
如果您的企业已经在实施ISO 27001 ISMS ,则符合ISO 27001的70%规定。
If your enterprise is already implementing ISO 27001 isms, it complies with 70% of ISO 27001.
但是,如果您使用的是基于云的技术,则ISO 27018被视为有效的附加标准, 因为公司希望专门通过存储在云中的数据证明 GDPR的合规性。
However, if you are using cloud based technology, ISO 27018 is considered a valid additional standard because the company wants to prove gdpr compliance through data stored in the cloud.
ISO 27018 : 2019提供了实施准则的准则,该准则应遵循公共云计算环境的隐私原则实施保护个人 身份信息( PII )的措施,同时考虑到保护PII的法规要求,这些要求可在以下情况下适用:公共云服务提供商的信息安全风险环境。
ISO 27018: 2019 provides guidelines for implementing the guidelines. The guidelines should follow the privacy principles of the public cloud computing environment and implement measures to protect personal identity information (PII). At the same time, taking into account the regulatory requirements for protecting PII, these requirements can be applied in the following cases: the information security risk environment of public cloud service providers.
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