ISO15189 在ISO15189认可评审过程中,对实验室的分析系统和检测设备都给予了高度关注 中鸿认证咨询 发布时间: 2015-02-23 19:20 点击:

ISO15189 在ISO15189认可评审过程中,对实验室的分析系统和检测设备都给予了高度关注 中鸿认证咨询
ISO15189 in the ISO15189 accreditation process, gave high attention in Hong certification consulting for laboratory analysis and inspection system
Due to the medical laboratory technology and equipment is a dependent department, the detection capacity and detection equipment or closely related analysis system.
Because of this, in the ISO15189 accreditation process, gave high attention to the analysis of the laboratory system and testing equipment.
And analysis system, usually refers to the combination of methods, instruments, reagents etc. "". In the automation degree is more and more high today, most detection results especially in quantitative detection result is obtained by the detection system, therefore, the test results is correct or not, the detection apparatus, detection reagent depends on more and more high, its quality directly affects the results of inspection.
The basic requirements of international standard ISO15189 is not only a medical laboratory accreditation on people's quality and ability of management, also put forward higher request to the detection equipment.
ISO15189 在ISO15189认可评审过程中,对实验室的分析系统和检测设备都给予了高度关注 中鸿认证咨询
ISO15189 in the ISO15189 accreditation process, gave high attention in Hong certification consulting for laboratory analysis and inspection system