服务认证 按服务管理人员总数的10%配置售后服务管理师这一条如何执行? 发布时间: 2017-12-30 10:22 点击:

服务认证 按服务管理人员总数的10%配置售后服务管理师这一条如何执行?
How can service certification be implemented by 10% of the total number of service managers?
The product after sale service certification requires "10% allocation of after-sales service managers according to the total number of service managers". What are the specific provisions of this item? How do you calculate the number of people?
Answer: the number of after-sale service managers is 5 points in the standard total score.
GB/T27922-2011 standard puts forward: "according to 10% of the total number of service managers, the after-sale service manager is responsible for the management of after-sale services and guidance for after-sale service activities".
There are two levels of service managers, one is responsible for the Organization headquarters, the relevant departments in service, service related links and positions, including the grass-roots managers and senior managers, two is the management staff of subordinate branches and service outlets.
根据有关部门的权威调查,企业相关管理人员的数量一般占企业总人数的15%左右。但有一些企业的管理人员较多,有一些较少,统计上可能存在差异性,一般情况下管理师的配置数量基本在企业总人数的1%左右, 。
According to the authoritative investigation of the relevant departments, the number of enterprise related managers generally accounts for about 15% of the total number of enterprises. However, there are a lot of managers in some enterprises, some of them are few, and there may be differences in statistics. Generally speaking, the number of managers is basically 1% of the total number of enterprises.
In general, the enterprise should be equipped with at least 1 after-sale service managers.
服务认证 售后服务认证 服务体系认证 售后服务体系认证 售后服务体系认证证书 商品售后服务体系认证
Certification after service system certification after sale service system certification after sale service system certification after sale service system certification of after-sales service system