CMMI认证咨询 企业CMMI认证中的22个PA缩写 发布时间: 2020-11-25 20:08 点击:
CMMI认证咨询 企业CMMI认证中的22个PA缩写
EPG: 工程过程组(Engineering Process Group)
MSG: 管理指导组/高层管理组(Management Steering Group)
SPI: 软件过程改进(Software Process Improvement)
PAT: 过程行动组(Process Action Team)
PA: 过程域(Process Area)
PP: 项目策划(Project Planning)
PMC: 项目监控(Project Monitoring and Control)
IPM: 集成的项目管理(Integrated Project Management)
RSKM:风险管理(Risk Management)
CM: 配置管理(Configuration Management)
PPQA:过程和产品质量保证(Process and Product Quality Assurance)
MA: 度量和分析(Measurement and Analysis)
DAR: 决策分析和解决方案(Decision Analysis and Resolution)
REQM:需求管理(Requirements Management)
RD: 需求开发(Requirements Development)
TS: 技术解决方案(Technical Solution)
PI: 产品集成(Product Integration)
OPF:组织过程焦点(Organization Process Focus)
OPD:组织过程定义(Organization Process Definition)
OT: 组织培训(Organizational Training)