CMMI2.0版本具备的五大优势 发布时间: 2021-08-08 18:55 点击:
Five advantages of CMMI 2.0
1.改善业务绩效- 商业目标直接与运营相关联,达到在时间、质量、预算、客户满意度和其他关键驱动因素的性能方面实现可衡量的提升。
1. Improve business performance - business objectives are directly linked to operations to achieve measurable improvements in the performance of time, quality, budget, customer satisfaction and other key drivers.
2.利用当前的优良实践- CMMI2.0 版本是经过验证的优良实践的可靠来源,并会在新的在线平台上持续更新,能够反映不断变化的业务需求。
2. Use current good practices - cmmi2.0 is a reliable source of proven good practices and will be continuously updated on the new online platform to reflect changing business needs.
3.构建敏捷弹性和规模化- 在整个企业范围内以绩效为焦点,为加强使用 Scrum 的敏捷项目过程提供直接的指导。
3. Build agile flexibility and scale - focus on performance throughout the enterprise and provide direct guidance for strengthening the agile project process using scrum.
4.对能力和性能进行对标- 新的性能导向的评估方法提高了基准评估的可靠性和一致性,同时缩短了准备时间,降低了生命周期成本。
4. Benchmarking capability and performance - the new performance oriented evaluation method improves the reliability and consistency of benchmark evaluation, shortens the preparation time and reduces the life cycle cost.
5.加速采用- 通过在线平台和应用指南,更容易获得 CMMI 提供的帮助。
5. Accelerate adoption - it is easier to get help from CMMI through online platform and Application guide.
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